"This 3 inch orthoceras specimen #14 is beautifully polished, showing the segmented body and the septa that separates each segment. Orthoceras is a commonly used name for straight shelled nautiloids. They are cephalopods, related to modern squid ans octopus. This fossil is from the Devonian period of the Paleozoic Era and is close to 400 million years old! The segmented body and the septa that separates each segment are clearly visible. The siphuncle is also visible. The siphuncle allowed the this predator to adjust its bouyancy and so control its depth in the water column. Orthoceras fossils are found all over the world.This specimen comes from near Erfoud, Morocco. Each specimen comes with an information card that describes the fossil and details the time period it comes from. Each specimen is unique. Photo demonstrates style and quality. This is a sample of our inventory. Each piece is different but all are comparable to the ones in the picture."
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