Igneous, Metamorphic, and sedimentary Rocks Card Materials Complete Bundle
Rocks From Fire!, Rocks Glued Together!, and Rocks That Morph! Card Materials Complete Bundle
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This is a bundle of all the individual sets. It includes the same card materials for all rock types:
· Three Sets of 3-part Cards: unlabeled photo, name label, labeled photo (one each: Igneous, Sedimentary and Metamorphic)
· Three Sets of Simple Sentences to identify characteristics and classification of the different types of igneous rocks (one each: Igneous, Sedimentary and Metamorphic). Can be used to teach paragraph construction, including topic sentences, supporting details, and closing sentence
· Three Sets of 3-part Definition/Story Cards: unlabeled photo, name label, story card (one each: Igneous, Sedimentary and Metamorphic)
· Three Sets of Matching Who Am I? Stories: labeled photo, Who am I? Story card (one each: Igneous, Sedimentary and Metamorphic)
· Instructions for use.
· Rock photos included:
o Metamorphic: Gneiss, Marble, Phyllite, Quartzite, Schist, Slate
o Sedimentary: Breccia, Coal, Conglomerate, Fossiliferous Limestone, Halite, Limestone, Mudstone, Sandstone, Shale
o Igneous: Basalt, Granite, Obsidian, Pumice, Rhyolite (2 types), Scoria
Digital Download
This is a bundle of all the individual sets. It includes the same card materials for all rock types:
· Three Sets of 3-part Cards: unlabeled photo, name label, labeled photo (one each: Igneous, Sedimentary and Metamorphic)
· Three Sets of Simple Sentences to identify characteristics and classification of the different types of igneous rocks (one each: Igneous, Sedimentary and Metamorphic). Can be used to teach paragraph construction, including topic sentences, supporting details, and closing sentence
· Three Sets of 3-part Definition/Story Cards: unlabeled photo, name label, story card (one each: Igneous, Sedimentary and Metamorphic)
· Three Sets of Matching Who Am I? Stories: labeled photo, Who am I? Story card (one each: Igneous, Sedimentary and Metamorphic)
· Instructions for use.
· Rock photos included:
o Metamorphic: Gneiss, Marble, Phyllite, Quartzite, Schist, Slate
o Sedimentary: Breccia, Coal, Conglomerate, Fossiliferous Limestone, Halite, Limestone, Mudstone, Sandstone, Shale
o Igneous: Basalt, Granite, Obsidian, Pumice, Rhyolite (2 types), Scoria
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