Dinosaur Coprolite Cut Base #16
This Dinosaur Coprolite #16 is about 6 inches long, 6 inches wide and 4 inches thick. This piece has been cut so that it sits flat and shows the colors and patterns within. Dinosaur Coprolite is the fossilized excretion of ancient animals or poop turned to stone. This coprolit Dinosaur Coprolite is the fossilized excretion of ancient animals or poop turned to stone. This coprolite is from the droppings of dinosaurs. Coprolite gives scientists information about what the dinosaurs ate. If bone fragments are present it is a good bet that the coprolite is from a carnivore. If plant parts are found it is likely that the coprolite is from an herbivore. Usually a powerful microscope is needed to identify these undigested bits. This coprolite is from the Jurassic Period and is more than 150 million years old. It was found in the Morrison formation in South Eastern Utah.
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